Friday, January 31, 2020

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 109

Discussion - Assignment Example She delayed some acquisitions. Had she made the decision for the acquisitions earlier, Xerox may have not missed the opportunity for high revenues, which the company realized upon completing the deals. Q2. A manager like Mulcahy should avoid experience-based biases. When Mulcahy was appointed the new CEO of Xerox, she like everyone else was surprised. In her mind and in the minds of others, she was not the right candidate because of her managerial inexperience. As the CEO, the manager is bound to meet different experience-based biases at the decision making table. The CEO should thus acknowledge that the final decision is on her/him and coordinate diverging minds to obtain a solution to the problem at hand. The CEO should also avoid recruitment biases as he/ she strives to find the best team/workforce for the company. Q3. It is often a big challenge for some managers to make ethical decisions as they strive to propel their companies to the next level. In order to ensure that they make ethical decisions, managers can emphasize on the following areas: honesty, breadth, and

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Lyndon Johnson Essay -- History President USA Johnson Essays Papers

Lyndon Johnson Lyndon Johnson led the country for five years (1963-1968) after President John Fitzgerald Kennedy died of gunshot wounds on November 22, 1963. He formulated many policies and carried out many others that Kennedy could not finish. He faced many foreign problems as well, including the Vietnam War and the Cold War. How he dealt with foreign problems put him near last if not last in foreign affairs, when compared to other presidents. Johnson always talked to tourists and met reporters informally. He entertained many distinguished guests at his ranch in Texas. Also, Lyndon and his wife Claudia (Lady Bird) Johnson held formal and informal dances at the white house. His presidency left added a lot in the history books. If it were not for his leadership and ideas, many parts of society today would not exist.(Peter Lisagor, 148-152) "We have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed. For me, it is a deep personal tragedy. I know that the world shares the sorrow that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bear. I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help and God's," quoted Lyndon Johnson after the assassination of friend, colleague, and leader President John Fitzgerald Kennedy at one-o'clock on November 22, 1963(Peter Lisagor, 151). Johnson took on the large role as president aboard the presidential Air Force jet at Love Field, Dallas exactly ninety-nine minutes after Kennedy died. Coincidentally becoming the second vice president with the last name Johnson to succeed an assassinated president and nearly one hundred years apart.(Hugh S. Sidey, 1-2 & Hans L. Trefousse, 1-2) Within a short time after he became president, Johnson announced a five hundred million-dollar budget cut and urged a strong civil rights bill. Both of these were previously proposed by Kennedy. Also, he proposed a national War on Poverty. This included creating new jobs and building up areas where the economy had faltered. This was approved by Congress without a problem. A new housing law provided five billion dollars in federal funds to help the needy buy houses and rent apartments passed in 1968. Congress also passed a tax cut for both individuals and corporations. (Peter Lisagor, 148-149) Civil rights was a large part of Johnson's presidency. It did not take him long to develop civil rights laws. A new civil rights law opened to Negroes .. ...tates bombing on Vietnam was halted on November 1, 1968. Peace between the U.S. and all of Vietnam soon followed.(Peter Lisagor, 149-152) To conclude, President Lyndon Johnson deserved his rank. After all his great accomplishment in civil rights and his war on poverty he could have been near the top of the list. Unfortunately everything started to collapse near the end mainly because of his involvements with Vietnam. His many achievements left a mark in history. If it were not for him, many civil rights would not exist. He added on two whole cabinet departments and appointed two of the first Negro government officials. These accomplishments kept him high on the list. Many people would consider him last in foreign affairs because the people of the country did not always agree with his involvements in Vietnam. This most likely brought his rating down. References Sidey, Hugh S. "Lyndon Baines Johnson." Microsoft Encarta. 1995 ed. Lisagor, Peter. "Lyndon Baines Johnson." The World Book Encyclopedia. 1992 ed. Summers, Robert S. "Lyndon Baines Johnson." POTUS Internet Public Library. 1996 ed. Trefousse, Hans L. "Andrew Johnson" Microsoft Encarta. 1995 Ed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Worn Path Critical Analysis Essay

â€Å"How old are you Granny? † he was saying. â€Å"There is no telling mister,† she said, â€Å"no telling. † â€Å"Well, Granny,† he said, â€Å"You must be a hundred years old and scared of nothing (216-217). † Granny is an old woman; described as â€Å"being so old that her skin was as if she had a tree in the middle of her forehead with numberless branching wrinkles (213). † Phoenix Jackson is her name. She is an African American woman, very old, withered and frail. Phoenix is the protagonist in Eudora Welty’s story â€Å"A Worn Path. Throughout time, people have gone on their own journeys, traveling rocky roads, climbing mountains while overcoming obstacles along the way; while grasping on to hope to strengthen each step they take. This short story begins in southern Mississippi, likely in the early 1900’s. It is a cold December morning, the earth still frozen; and once again Phoenix will begin her long journey through the thick pine woods. Despite the odds that are against her, Phoenix’s determination and undying love for her grandson will carry her the many miles she has to travel. What are the odds that are against Phoenix? See more:how to write a critical analysis outline What obstacles does Phoenix have to overcome? What is her destination? The greatest odd that stands against Phoenix is her age. She is very old and tired. On her journey she must walk over a hill, when she reaches the top she says, â€Å"Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far (214). † Despite her age, Phoenix still exists, because she has a purpose. She is able to conquer all because of the love she has for her grandson. Phoenix knows that it is up to her to walk to town to retrieve the medicine he needs to live. She is all he has, he depends on her. The strength she receives Lewis2 feeds off of the love she has for him. Phoenix endured many obstacles on her journey to town. One of the biggest obstacles she has to overcome is a wild dog. The wild dog appears and causes Phoenix to fall down. She is not able to get up, so she talks to herself, â€Å"That black dog comes up out of those woods to stall you off (216). † She is telling herself this because it helps her to be strong as if she is thinking your not going to let this dog deter you, are you? Now, along comes the second obstacle. A hunter appears with his dog. He is a white man. Even though he is a God send and saves her; he is a racist and bully. He tells her she needs to go home where she will be safe. She tells him no! She is on her way to town, and she is not stopping until she gets there. Then he tries to intimidate Phoenix by pointing a gun right in her face and asking her if it scares her with an arrogant smirk on his face. She stands up to him, stares him straight in the eyes and tells him she is not scared of it or him and has seen many guns in worse situations. During this time he drops a nickel; Phoenix sneakily picks it up and puts it in her pocket. As he walks away she says to herself, â€Å"God watching me the whole time. I come to stealing (217). † Even though she knows stealing is wrong, she feels that God will pardon her and this time it is justifiable due to the humiliation he put her through. Once again for the sake of her grandson she finds the inner strength she needs to continue on. She finally arrives to the town of Natchez and went straight to the Dr. ’s office. She was so tired now that she was depending solely on her feet to guide her and take her up the flights of stairs that stood before her and to the correct office; where she faces yet Lewis3 another obstacle. Now, standing in the office, when the receptionist asks for her name, her mind goes blank. The receptionist starts making racial slurs, â€Å"A charity case I suppose (218). † It wasn’t until the nurse who knew Phoenix came out and refreshed her memory that she finally remembered why she was there. She is overwhelmed by guilt, wondering how she could forget her grandson, her life, her purpose. She begins reflecting her life as if she is trying to find a justifiable reason for forgetting about him. She blames this on the fact that she is uneducated. She makes a vow with herself never to forget her grandson again. The receptionist who seemed very cold in the beginning now finds within herself compassion towards Phoenix and offers to give her a few pennies. Even though Phoenix is uneducated she lets her know five pennies make a nickel, with that, the receptionist gives her a nickel. Phoenix is happy, she now knows that the nickel along with the nickel she took from the hunter is enough money to buy her grandson a Christmas present. This replenishes her soul and spirit to begin her long journey on the path back home. For whatever reason, Phoenix is the only one in the world her grandson has to care for him. This is her purpose in life. She has traveled down this path at least two or three years to get his medicine. She also knows that when she leaves him, he is all by himself until she returns. There is nothing a good grandmother would not do for the sake of her grandchild. This is enough purpose to give Phoenix the endurance she needs to go on. This story shows us that love can conquer all things.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

English Is An International Language - 1475 Words

English is an international language. When you travel to other countries, you can communicate them by using English. Many people are trying to learn English, so the number of students who study English literature or linguistics has been increasing. Learning English literature is a good choice to improve people’s English because literature and linguistics are related to each other. Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. And it’s not just about learning language; it’s about understanding the culture as well because language and culture are related very deeply to each other. With this, you can’t learn language without also embracing the culture. The â€Å"Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis† is an example of this. It is the idea that â€Å"the structure of language shapes the way speakers of that language view reality† (Eschholz, Rosa, and Clark 574). This demonstrates that language is able to change depending on the speakers. And reading literature is the best way to understand their view because literature reflects language which is used that time. Languages are always developing, even right now, and reading literature is one of the best ways to learn a language. Literature includes many historical events, political views, religious beliefs. And through this, the development of language occurs. We can see, for example, how language has changed by reading old books. Therefore, reading literature can be really helpful when you learn a language because you don’t just memorize itShow MoreRelatedEnglish As An International Language1155 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction English is an international language is it required in most countries. As any language, English has four skills to master it: reading, listening, speaking and writing. It depends on the purpose why you will use English. For example, a researcher or a writer needs to master writing; while a traveler needs to know how to speak to interact. For me I learned to speak Standard English independently applying five strategies which can be used by teachers to teach speaking of English. The way IRead MoreEnglish Is An International Language1255 Words   |  6 PagesEnglish is an international language, and it is one of the foreign languages that many students want to learn. Success in learning English means master not only language skills but also language components. There are four language skill, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, there are three language components that are equally important to master the language. They are grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Grammar is considered as one of the most important as well as the mostRead MoreEnglish as an International Language5090 Words   |  21 Pages ENGLISH AS AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE Abstract This paper is intended to raise awareness on the aspects which define English as an international language, by examining the characteristics of an international language, the number of users, how it spread to reach global status, what factors may impede its continued spread and what dangers are involved in the development of English as an international language. English’sRead MoreEssay on English Language: The International Language515 Words   |  3 Pages Language is important because its one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important language to people in many parts of the world. 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